Friday, June 3, 2011

Choosing the Right Cufflinks

It is sometimes a great deal of job to choose the right cufflinks, that is why you are probably reading this article on cufflinks ideas for men. If you have not been in this situation before, I can bet you have not been wearing the best of cufflinks. Just like there are perfect shoes that go with each outfit and each occasion, there should be particular cufflinks that will just be perfect for each outfit and occasion. So the first set of questions to ask is "What am I wearing?", "Where am I wearing the cufflinks to?" and "Who am I?"

There are various kinds of cufflink style such as animal themed, pearls, crystal, sports, wedding, engraved cufflinks, and many more. If you are a first time buyer, chances are that you will run into trouble when you step into the store to purchase one. There are definitely going to be too many flashy designs to choose from and if you are not careful, you are going to end up buying a flashy cufflink that wont serve your purpose.

The first thing you need to do is choose a cufflink that suits your personality. Yeah, personality in this sense can be your temperament type, your status in the society etc. If you are an extrovert who always love attention, you can go for flashy colored crystal cufflinks or pearl cufflinks which is guaranteed to get people noticing you in no time. If you are into pets, you might want to choose animal-themed cufflinks; it definitely will pass the message. 

The second thing to consider is the occasion you are going for. If you are going for formal occasions, you had better choose a traditional-type cufflinks. Simple and classic designs usually become the best choice because they will perfectly suit your formal outfit. Besides, the designs are not likely to get you into trouble. If you are attending informal occasions, you might want to go for novelty cufflinks. Novelty cufflinks give a fun feeling to those who wear them as well as those who see you wear them too. 

The third thing to consider is color. Color matters a lot too. You therefore should be careful when looking for the right color. If you are not so sure about the color that will perfectly match your shirt, you can go for silver colored cufflinks which is a universal match for any shirt color. 

To cap it all up, the basic things you need to consider when choosing the right cufflinks is your personality, the occasion you are attending and the color. Once you get these right, you should have problem with choosing the right cufflinks.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Evolution of Cufflinks

Stainless Steel Cufflinks for Men with Black Resin InlayA pair Cufflinks іѕ a bеаυtіfυƖ piece οf jewellery/accessory used tο link tһе two pairs οf French cuffs oח a shirt. References tο cufflinks date back tο tһе early seventeenth century. Some people cannot really tell how it all started but in the early seventeenth century, folks will use ribbons to tie their shirt cuffs. Basically, ribbons were the cufflinks then. As the years went by, there was a desire for something more elegant; something that can make a fashion statement or reveal one's status. This led to the development of fashion chains which are held together by gold or silver buttons instead of the ribbons. Then, the cufflinks were referred to as cuff strings.

Initially, cufflinks were restricted to the upper class, the rich and the mighty who had the money. But all these vanished in the mid eighteenth century when cufflinks made their way into jewelry shops in London who brought them within the price range of everyone. The Evolution of cufflinks is not so much different from the evolution of fashion itself. Today, everyone wears them. How expensive your cufflinks are will depend on how much money you have or how much flair you have for fashion. The industrial evolution of cufflinks has seen the production of all sorts and kinds of cufflinks ranging from very cheap to very expensive. Today, we have designs made with stone, gold, silver, emerald and all sorts of expensive gemstones.

There are all sorts of designs of cufflinks ranging from vintage designs to more contemporary designs. Depending on how much money you have to throw around on cufflinks or how elegant you will love to appear before your world. There are cufflinks for men as well as there are for women but the menfolk will probably need it more than women who might not really wear long-sleeve shirts that has need for cufflinks.

One good thing about cufflinks is that they help you make a fashion statement. You can pick a color that matches your neck chain and wrist watch, instead of the conventional button style. I am sure you understand what that means. You can project an allure that holds up your reputation and respect and of course 'bling' all the way, there is nothing wrong is coming off to show how much you are earning!
Kenneth Cole REACTION Men's Windy Cufflinks, Satin/Polished Nickel